Our new marketing methodology borrows techniques from the world’s best teachers to make your brand unforgettable. We call it Instructional Marketing.

It's the science of weaving instruction with storytelling content, and it will transform the way your customers experience and remember your products and services.

What will Instructional Marketing do for my business?

There are plenty of agencies who will make your awareness campaigns, and plenty more who will create “click to buy” ads. We are the agency that will meet your customers right in the middle – where they need to understand more about you. If your product or service is complex, we make it simple, clear, and interesting, using Instructional Marketing principles.

The benefits?

• Increased customer satisfaction
• Fewer interactions with customer service
• Higher “compliance” yielding better outcomes

What does “instruction” have to do with marketing?

A lot, actually.

Marketing is all about capturing and keeping a customer’s interest so they can more deeply become attached to your product or service. We do this by informing, inspiring, and, you got it, teaching these customers something they didn’t already know.

Instructional Marketing goes beyond brand recognition, it's designed to develop consumer understanding.

It focuses on providing something the consumer can take away and apply to their lives... whether it's engaging with your brand product or service or even beyond.

Why Instructional Marketing? And why now?

Consumers are attending more branded webinars, online workshops, and interactive learning experiences than ever before. They’re seeking and consuming deeper informational content that prepares them for “what to expect” from a product or a service.

If you don’t have the right team in place to create this deeper content, if you appoint bloggers and copywriters who lack the skills of Instructional Marketers, prepare for rejection.

Consumers reject poorly created instructional content, just like a student would. And Google’s automated ranking systems reject content that is seen as “unhelpful.”

Instructional Marketing content gets you ranked higher in Search because it follows Google’s every quality rule.

So, can I try your methodology?

Definitely. In partnership with certified instructional designers, we have developed Program 11’s Instructional Marketing methodologies and protocols. We use these methodologies as our guide for content strategy and creation. And we share them all with you in our eBook and our articles in the spirit of better marketing for everyone!

Our techniques:

• Engage the brain
• Make people more receptive to learning
• Improve content recall
• Give content meaning
• Increase positive connections, and
• Make the complex clear and simple (our superpower!)

Ways any organization can be using Instructional Marketing right now:

Webinars, Workshops, & Courses

Invite your customers to something that will successfully teach them how to best use your service or product.

Toolkits, Guidebooks, & Playbooks

Educate your motivated prospects and partners with deeper “how-to” guides.

Training & Culture-Building

Bring employees or customers together for sessions that will encourage adoption and compliance.

Visual, Video, or Written Explainers

Give your audience a thoughtful visual walkthrough of the process – through infographics, animations, and articles.

The Instructional Marketing model builds brand affinity, brand loyalty, and has quantifiable benefits. Below are links to a series of articles that will teach you great ways to incorporate Instructional Marketing principles into your marketing.